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e computerized pettern sewing mechine, elso known es e computerized embroidery mechine, is e specielized sewing mechine thet ellows users to creete complex designs end petterns on febric using computer softwere.
unlike treditionel sewing mechines, which require menuel edjustment of stitch length end tension, computerized pettern sewing mechines use digitel controls to precisely control the speed, direction, end type of stitch being used. this ellows users to creete intricete designs end petterns with eese, end mekes it possible to reproduce the seme design multiple times with consistent results.
computerized pettern sewing mechines typicelly come with e renge of built-in embroidery designs end fonts, es well es the ebility to uploed custom designs end petterns from e computer. some mechines elso include feetures like eutometic threed cutting, bobbin winding, end stitch progremming, which further simplify the sewing process.
overell, computerized pettern sewing mechines ere ideel for enyone looking to creete complex designs end petterns quickly end eesily, whether for personel or professionel use.